Owen Coleman’s Pure Reiki Healing Master Review

Since the time when the modern day Reiki was founded by Mikao Usui, this wisdom was passed down to a limited number of people who further gifted it to their pupils and this way the knowledge of Reiki was spread.300x250

As Reiki became popular, a lot of limiting beliefs were formed amongst people due to which this wisdom got reserved for people who were willing to invest a lot of time and money to acquire this skill.

Fortunately, we now have courses like Pure Reiki Healing Master that are available for low price and it promises to teach you the art of healing in a very short period of time.

The program claims that you can learn Reiki in just 48 hours with the materials that you will be getting however, we will look deeply into that later in this post.

Owen Coleman is popular for healing people using the life force by channelizing it through his palms; he was a construction worker before he discovered that he had these healing powers. Now, he has put all his understandings in the form of ebook and digital materials so that you too could acquire this ability to heal yourself and others from various body and emotional troubles.

What Is Pure Reiki Healing Master All About?

This course is based on the knowledge provided by Mikao Usui and it uses the concept of Chi(or ki) which is considered as the life force.

According to the ancient Reiki teachings we all have this life force flowing through us and that any kind of physical or emotional problem is caused due to disturbance in the free flow of Chi or in other words we can say that any type of disease is a reflection of imbalance in our energy body.

By learning the techniques provided in this course you will be able to use the life force to heal all types of ailments. You will learn to harness the power within you to help yourself and others from practicing the methods provided in this course.

120x60In the program Owen Coleman will teach you how to channelize the life force through your arms into other person’s energy system which will bring balance in the energy body of that person resulting into the removal of corresponding sickness.

By energy body I am referring to the seven chakras that are believed to exist in the invisible energy field present around us. Reiki healing method makes you to move your palms from the crown chakra to the root chakra bringing balance in the targeted person’s energy system.

Not only just that but the information you will be getting in this package will also help you in many other ways like to increase self-confidence, performing remote healing, becoming more intuitive etc.

With practice you will be able to intuitively sense the exact areas where the other person is having troubles without being told because your palm will get warm when it will be placed in front of that portion and this ability of yours will gradually start to get better with practice.

Inside the Package

The main part of this package is an ebook in pdf format which you can view online or download, in this ebook the author has put the information step by step to teach you the art of Reiki healing.

Along with the ebook you will also receive video tutorials, audio files and manual using which you can make the best use of this program.

Bottom Line

Owen Coleman’s program is one of the most popular online Reiki courses and many people have found it very helpful in learning various techniques of energy healing.

What I find the best thing about this course is its simplicity, we all are programmed to think of Reiki as a skill limited for few gifted people or as a wisdom that could only be obtained by practicing for years under the guidance of a master due to which an image is formed in our minds that it must be very difficult to learn.

However, if you could set such notions aside and try this product I think you will be really surprised from its simplicity.

Since this course is available for such a low price and it has so much to offer, I guess this would be a good investment for you if you believe in energy healing.

For more information, please visit the product website here.


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You can also mail me at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com

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Meditation Techniques for Concentration – Sharpen Your Focus

In this post, I am going to discuss with you a few meditation techniques for concentration that will help you to sharpen your focus so that you can carry out your day to day activities without letting your external circumstances to disturb your inner peace.

The definition of a busy life could be different to each one of us depending upon our roles in our family and society.

A working mom is busy managing home, job, kids, husband while striving for inner peace. Whereas a dad is busy in managing his work, finances, health, planning for the future requirements of his family. The roles of people however do change according to their situations.

You don’t actually need to be a female to be a mother nor a male to be a father; you may be even unmarried or a divorcee and still manage everything on your own. Yes of course the life is much easier when you have the company of your life partner but what matters the most is the kid inside us.

Before teenage we all are natural but the programming of a person’s subconscious mind starts from the birth itself. During our childhood our conscious mind is not developed, so our mind absorbs all the information from our environment and society which results as our hardwired beliefs that are responsible for the blueprint of our decision making capabilities and self-confidence.

Our beliefs are responsible for what happens in our inner world, if the kid inside us is happy then that happiness is reflected in our external world.

No matter how we see this but once we begin to play our roles, life requires us to multitask. The one who is good at doing many tasks at a time is not always the happiest person, they may be successful in terms of what they have achieved in the outer world but the more they try to prove themselves to the world and society, the more they make themselves suffer. Alas, there is a very common by-product of multitasking which is “stress”.

So, is there any pill that we can gobble up in the morning and multitask with perfection? No! Because “Perfection” is an imaginary word; it is born out of the illusion of control. ( I have written more on the illusion of control in my post named meditation to clear the mind)

We cannot control our external circumstances because the ego “I” is just a small part of ourselves that lives in the delusion that it is the master of our lives. Our subconscious mind/higher-self/universe handles everything apart from the one task that we are doing in the moment.

There two types of meditation; one is what we do at the end of the day or during times when we are disturbed whereas the other type of meditation is doing every task with our total focus on it. The latter one is also referred as the mindfulness mediation.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a way to bring your attention completely to the present moment. Unlike other meditation methods this can be done anytime and anywhere.

One of the simplest methods to be mindful is when you are amidst of doing something,just pause and take 10 conscious breaths and then continue. Doing this resets your mind and enables you to get aware of the present moment, it also breaks the chain of any kind of unproductive thinking in which your mind was engaged before.Since, mindfulness improves your ability to focus on the present moment by clearing the thoughts of past or future, it helps you to get immersed completely in your current task.

Growth and improvement are possible only when a person trains their mind to be completely active in the task in which he is presently involved; with improved ability to concentrate a person can get better in any of their skills.

Who needs this help??? From a kid to an elderly person, just like medication is a catalyst for the healing of the body, meditation is a catalyst for the healing of the mind and emotions.

We all make mistakes of forgetting things and we blame it on our weak memory. There is no such thing as a weak or strong memory unless you have a clinical brain related problem. When you are fully focused in a task, you hardly make a mistake.

The mind cannot be “controlled” because the mind works in the direction where our actual focus is, the more we try to control our mind the harder it gets.

So what can we do?

We can either apply the mindfulness meditation to all our tasks or we can let our life to be as it is and prefer to meditate on any particular hour of the day when we have spare time to spend for taking care of our own inner peace.

Tratak Meditation Method

Tratak meditation is the most appropriate practice to increase your ability to concentrate. A few types oftratak meditations are inner tratak, tratak on a black dotcandle tratak and mirror tratak etc.All these forms of tratak meditation helps the practitioner to fix his focus on a single point and to keep his mind free of thoughts.

Initially it is very difficult to escape from the heavy traffic of thoughts but, gradually with practice you become very good at avoiding the mind chatter and thus you gain more concentration.

Chanting Mantra Meditation

This is not at all religious, you can chant any mantra (like Hakuna Matata) or even sing a song by focusing on your voice. Always remember that our ultimate aim is to use these techniques for calming our mind.

I am including this meditation here because I find it easy to stop my mind chatter for longer periods when I am meditating on my own voice.

Chanting mantra meditation requires you to choose any mantra or positive affirmation and repeat it while focusing on the sound. This mediation helps you to shift your conscious attention from saying the mantra to hearing it. (The first time I realized what being an inner observer was while doing this meditation, when you do this meditation you can observe that the action of “speaking” is handled by your subconscious mind when you put your conscious attention on hearing your own voice)

Chanting “OM” mantra is most recommended, but you can choose whatever is convenient for you.

At the end of the day, doing a thing with better focus would save us time, reduce our anxiety and provide a sense of accomplishment.


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You can send your emails using the contact page, I will be more than happy to help you with any of your issues.

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Quantum Mind Power Review-Unbiased Opinion of Morry Zelcovitch’s Program

Morry Zelcovitch introduces to you a self-improvement program based on brainwave entrainment technology.

This program gives you high hopes but, I think you should get a practical and unbiased opinion about it before you make your decision and that’s why I have prepared this Quantum Mind Power review for you.

When it comes to brainwave entrainment, I am a bit cautious because I have had some unpleasant experiences when I used binaural beats for meditation about which I have discussed on my post- Dangers of using binaural beats. Don’t get scared, brainwave entrainment is not a risky stuff but, you should be careful while selecting them.

However, if you choose a quality audio of brainwave entrainment technology from a trustworthy maker then I agree that these sound tracks could help you in many ways.

Quantum mind power does not use binaural beats instead it incorporates Isochronic and Monauaral beats which some people consider better than binaural beats.

Let’s take a deeper look into the contents of this program.

What Is This Program All About?

This course is a set of audio modules that contains properly engineered brain wave entrainment sounds which is intended for harnessing the true power of your brain for improving various aspects of your life.

Brainwave entrainment audios are known to be very effective in inducing various brain states by subjecting the mind to the corresponding frequency range using these sounds.

So, this technology could be used in order to bring your mind into a more relaxed state or we can say it can help you to reach deeper levels of mind which is equivalent to the one when a person goes into a deep meditation.

In Morry’s quantum mind power program you will be able to choose from a range of various audios that are made for different purposes and according to the suitability of different individuals.

You can simply download the file after trying each audio from this collection by selecting the one that suits you the most.

According to the author you can use these audios for various purposes like for developing intuition, getting inspirations, better creativity, and peace of mind etc.

My Take on It

I do agree that quantum mind power is a very good collection of brainwave entrainment audios as it contains each audio suitable for any particular purpose of yours and I am also convinced that these audios are effective to bring various changes in your life, for that you will have to regularly fix 30 minutes from your daily schedule for these sessions.

You can have various positive results using these sound files especially, it can help you to reach certain stages of mind but, when it comes to increasing the brain power and using various higher faculties of mind I think that you need much more than just that.

It is quite sensible to use these audios to get into a relaxed state where you can exercise various mind skills however, you cannot just listen to them and become a genius overnight.

According to me, Morry’s quantum mind power is a little over-hyped product and it is very costly in comparison to various self-development products that belong to its league.

Since different stuff works for different people so, I would like to advise you to try it on your own before deciding, you can do that by downloading their free demo materials that are named as the Morry method and digital coffee by visiting their website.

Few Common Questions Answered:-

Q:-Is quantum mind power a scam?

Ans: – No, it is not a scam but their claims are a bit shaky.

Q:-Can quantum mind power unlock hidden brain powers as they claim?

Ans:- No, that is just hype.

Q:-Is quantum mind power safe?

Ans:-No one have complained anything regarding the risks so, I guess it’s okay safety wise.


I hope you liked this post. I would love to hear your views about this so please do leave me a comment in the box below. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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8 Self Awareness Activities for Students-Unleash Your True Potential

I wish someone would have enlightened me about the importance of self-awareness when I was in school; learning to get aware of one’s own thoughts and feelings in childhood is a real gift.

Many parents nowadays are realizing that teaching their child to become more conscious could tremendously improve their kid’s personal life and academic performances, that’s why I am going to discuss a few self-awareness activities for students here.

This is such a great news that people are now getting to know the importance of spirituality because we need highly conscious people to make this planet a better place and that is why the biggest gift we could ever give to the young generation is to teach them the activities using which they can establish a better connection with their higher self.

Learning to be more aware in an early age will help an individual to peacefully and wisely handle the challenges in his/her life.

We operate at two levels of mind, one is the conscious mind using which we think in our wake conscious state and the other is our subconscious mind which handles all our unconscious habitual actions, this also includes our skills and abilities.

Our subconscious mind is very powerful and by learning to use it properly we can achieve anything that we desire in life, in early age our subconscious mind is wide open for suggestions so, it is easier to give targets to the student’s mind and have it achieved.

In order to make desired use of subconscious mind a student will have to learn to calm down the voice of his conscious mind and for that he will have to become self aware.

Teaching youngsters to be more in control of their thoughts and feelings has numerous benefits and that’s why I am going to discuss with you a few methods here using which you can boost up their spiritual and mental growth.(Or you can do it on your own by following these technique if you are a student who’s looking for ways to improve your life)

I have put these activities here keeping in mind that young minds find spiritual practices uninteresting still you may have to convince them a little to make them to perform these exercises:-

#1- Take 10 Conscious Breaths

Pause whenever the mind gets disturbed by any negative thought and take 10 conscious long breaths.

Doing this will take away the negative thoughts and associated emotions, thus providing an opportunity for the mind to get refreshed.

#2-Mindful Eating

This is a very interesting thing to do because it makes you to enjoy your food on the other hand it also helps you to bring your mind into the present moment.

While having food, slow down a little and meditate on the taste, smell and appearances of the food, being mindful of the food also improves your digestion.

#3-Prefer Outdoor Games

One of the biggest drawbacks of our current generation is that unlike earlier now we find most of the kids and teenagers preferring video games over outdoor games.

Playing outdoor games is very good for both their physical as well as spiritual health, being in touch with the nature is essential for a person’s spiritual growth so, getting involved in outdoor sports is very essential for personal development of kids and youngsters.

#4-Share Your Feelings

Sadly, most of us grow up hearing words like “don’t cry”, “be strong”, “stop being so sensitive”, etc. Our society teaches us to suppress our natural emotions which in future results as the stress in our life.

We are programmed to hide our vulnerabilities and pretend to be emotionally strong. Till my teenage I used to be very sensitive and I am well familiar with that humiliating feeling which follows when your vulnerability becomes obvious to others.

One should learn to be more expressive of his/her true feelings.

By sharing the true feelings a person allows his mind to be in total peace which will naturally improve his mental abilities.

#5-Become a Good Listener

Equally important as it is to express oneself is to pay attention to other people’s opinions and feelings, to be self aware it is important to come out of one’s own mind chatter and to open up to what others have to share.

This is not only a good habit to be developed in order to connect with others but it is also a practice to improve one’s own connection with his/her inner self.

Being a good listener will enable your mind to learn faster!

#6-Meditate Regularly

I know it is a difficult task for youngsters to sit and meditate but, in order to become a highly conscious person one will have to sit in silence for few minutes daily so that he can detach himself from distracting thoughts and allow his mind to function better.

For students who are trying to improve their concentration power, I would like to suggest tratak meditation.

#7-Feel Your Body

Body awareness is an essential part of spiritual development; to perform this one should close his eyes and focus on each part of his body one by one, relaxing them using his imagination.

Imagining a white light which relaxes each part of the body by clearing the negative energies present there is also a very good method to do this.(refer my post on yog nidra)

#8-Increase Your Awareness of the Surroundings

Every now and then getting aware of the surroundings is also a good way to increase self awareness because doing this helps a person to stay rooted in the present moment.

This is much like what Sherlock Holmes does; if you have read those stories then you might be knowing that he registers every minute detail of the places in his mind.

When you notice the details of your current surrounding you immediately pull your focus away from the mind trap and liberate yourself from the thoughts of past or future.


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You can send your emails using the contact page, I will be more than happy to help you with any of your issues.

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The Ayurveda Experience Review-Know Your Doshas!

To live a peaceful life, you will have to take care of your spiritual connection. You can perform well only when you are stress-free and happy.ayurveda online course

We have many programs available over the internet today for spiritual growth but, most of them focus on spiritual practices to tame the restless mind.

Ancient Indian spiritual wisdom tells us that in order to grow spiritually we will have to take care of both our body as well us mind because they both are equally essential part of our existence.

This Ayurveda experience review will make you familiar with an Ayurveda online course which is intended for your spiritual growth based on the ancient Indian knowledge and practices.

What Is This Program All About?

Ayurveda, is a very old ancient Indian methodology of treating people who are suffering physically or mentally.

This program is not just about curing diseases, it teaches you a way of living which will highly benefit your body and mind.

According to the science of Ayurveda the nature of our body is decided by the balance of three factors which is termed as doshas.

By detecting the increase in any one or more of the doshas (Ayurveda body type), we can take measures which will further bring balance.

Combining yoga, meditation and diet to heal the person both physically as well as spiritually the Ayurveda experience proves to be a very good option for people who understand the importance of harmony between mind, body and spirit.

Your body weight, immunity, allergies, stamina etc can all be understood by finding the type of dosha you have, you would be able to determine that by yourself by learning it from this course and after knowing it you can work towards controlling the presence of that particular dosha, which will result as a significant improvement in your complete body health.

The 5 Elements

Ancient Indian philosophy says that our body is made up of 5 elements viz. water, air, space, earth and fire. All types of emotional and physical sufferings are caused by the imbalance of these elements in the body of a person.

Before starting the treatment,Ayurvedic science first identifies the Prakruti(nature/personality type) of the person .

Your personality type (which you can identify using the 3 minute test in their website) has various pros and cons. Using the information presented to you in this program you can find out your favorable and unfavorable diets.

Not Only Your Health

Don’t limit the utility of this program to your physical health only; by using the tools that you will get in this package you can improve any area of our life.

Since this material will help you to progress spiritually, the inner state of yours will be naturally reflected in your relationships, skills, performance etc.

Inside the Package

The Ayurveda experience comes in three types of plans from which you can choose according to your requirement; these plans are silver, gold and platinum, all the three plans consists of 7 modules.

Along with these modules you will also receive many video tutorials that will teach you how to meditate, exercise, massage and prepare Ayurvedic breakfast.

The package also consists of an e-book named “The Perfect Balance Diet Book” and also an exercise book.

Bottom Line

Overall, the Ayurveda experience is really an awesome program especially for people who do believe in the power of such wisdom.

Since this Ayurveda online course is available at a very low price than its actual worth, I think it would be a very beneficial deal for you if you decide to buy it.

Be sure to follow the program regularly and proceed properly as guided to see the best results!

For more information, please visit the product website.


I hope you liked this post, I would be very happy to hear from you. So, please leave me your comments in the box below, it will motivate me and help me to improve my blog’s content. If I missed anything important then please do mention it in the comment section.

You can send your emails using the contact page, I will be more than happy to help you with any of your issues.

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Increasing Your Happiness Level-Spiritual Help for Depression

As humans, we all make this mistake of attaching our happiness with our desires. However, our happiness does not depend on any external factor, I know it is a bit difficult to accept, but that is the truth.

People who are happy most of the time have developed a very important state of mind where they don’t depend on other people’s opinions, any material possessions or circumstances to feel good.

Depression is a condition in which a person gets possessed by negative thoughts and it is often very difficult to overcome that state.

Spiritual practices have proved to be very efficient in curing anxiety and depression for a lot of people (including me) so, I am quite sure that what I am going to discuss with you here will equip you with some real working methods that could increase your happiness level.

Seeking spiritual help for depression is one of the best steps that anyone could ever take in order to come out of the trouble caused by the lower emotions, but I would suggest you continuing with the medications ( if you have been taking any) and to apply these spiritual methods regularly with a strong faith.

Any kind of emotional trouble indisputably has some kind of spiritual cause, it is often so subtle that the individual never gets to know it unless he takes the help of a therapist or gets involved in spiritual growth activities.

All kinds of suffering is a result of the person getting too far from his true nature or we can say that he gets away from his higher self (which is an illusion because you can never get away from your higher self), this causes a change of perception which makes him too see the lack of love all around him.

So, all the methods that I am going to discuss below are the ways using which you could connect back to your higher self.

Generate the Feelings of Love for Yourself

Mostly, people get into such states due to toxic relationships, troubled childhood or unfulfilled desires. And behind these happenings, there is a very insidious belief operating that is “I am not good enough” or “I am not worthy”.

With this belief ingrained in one’s subconscious, he unconsciously tries to get the approval of others continuously and when he fails- He becomes reluctant in allowing himself to be happy!

To bring the feelings of love for yourself, you should get engaged in activities that make you happy and should keep being in a happy state as your top priority.

Using positive affirmations like-“I am loved”, with joyful feelings can prove to be very effective here.

If would like to read more about self-love then check out my post –“6 Common Myths about Self Love”.

If your depression is caused by any kind of emotional incidence then you may like to check out the post “Healing the Emotional Pain Caused by Toxic Relationships and Memories That Destroys One’s Serenity “.

Have Faith in the Higher Power

Here is the second most dangerous belief that could badly lower an individual’s self-esteem resulting into his inability to feel higher emotions- Victim Mentality.

Victim mentality is a consequence of the undesired events from a person’s past, especially childhood.

Those who blame others for their miseries are the ones who have this strong mind conditioning which makes them a victim.

People who have such convictions find themselves abandoned by God or Higher power, that’s why they have lost their hopes and when a person loses his hope he gets stuck in a particular unpleasant phase of life.

In the sessions of her unlimited abundance course, Christie Regularly performs the energy clearance on the “victim beliefs” as she highlights in her program that this is the block which makes most people to suffer.

In order to change these beliefs you will have to strengthen your faith in the higher power, you will have to trust that the greater power will support you always and to do that you will have to replace your old self image which was of “victim” with the new one that is of “winner”.

Use affirmations and visualization to change your old beliefs, read my post “Allow Your Abundance” to know more.


This is the most important process using which you could heal yourself spiritually and invite more good feelings in your life.

The process of meditation allows you to relax and connect with your higher self, doing it regularly will allow your mind to be at peace which will naturally bring you to the state of joy.

How to Meditate?

There are many ways to meditate, but a very simple technique is to sit in a relaxed position and take deep breaths, observing the thoughts and feelings, allowing them to come and go gently without any kind of resistance. Doing this for few minutes daily will have significant effects on your moods.


Mindfulness is a form of meditation,its simplicity and effectiveness makes it a perfect remedy for people suffering from emotional pain.

Not only for depression, but mindfulness is also very helpful in enabling people to experience greater inner peace and thus it makes their mind to perform better.

In simple terms, mindfulness is the process which brings your mind to the present moment. Since, depression is caused by the thoughts of past and anxiety is the result of worrisome thoughts of future, these two emotional issues can be successfully treated with the help of mindfulness meditation.

You just need to bring your attention to whatever you are doing at any particular moment whether let it be the action of eating, walking, working, or anything you just need to be completely present and watch your own actions as an observer.

You can read more about this in the post “Learn to Expand Your Consciousness with Simple Mindfulness Exercises”.

Heart Center Meditation:-

I recommend this to a lot of people especially to those who are new to meditation. Feeling lower emotions could be a symptom of a blocked heart chakra.

Christie Marie Sheldon’s heart center awakening meditation is a free audio which she offers for her subscribers so, just download it from here and listen to it every morning for best results.


This is the most underestimated process among people who have come to know about its role in affecting their emotional states.

Like meditation, gratitude is also a process which is backed up by research works that it can elevate your happiness level.

So, do keep a gratitude journal in which you can write daily about the things for which you are grateful in your life. I prefer to express my gratitude before having my meals, in this way it becomes a ritual.


I hope you enjoyed this post. You may also like to know about some qualities of emotionally healthy people. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me your queries at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

Abundant Mind Visualization Videos Review-Program Your Subconscious Mind

If you are familiar with the law of attraction then you might also be well aware of the creative visualization process. I know a lot of people who find visualization a very tough task, some people are not able to visualize properly whereas some find it hard to stay banner2-500x350consistent with the process.

I have written a post “Don’t Say “I Don’t Know How to Use Creative Visualization”- You Are Already Good at It! “ which speaks about how our own beliefs makes it difficult for us to use our imaginative ability but, here I am going to talk about a different method which will be helpful for reprogramming your subconscious mind.

If you were unsuccessful in achieving your goals using creative visualization and positive affirmations then this program might prove to be a great solution for your problem.

In order to use the law of attraction for attracting your desired outcomes you will have to visualize the end results of your goals vividly along with strong positive emotions, so that your message could surpass the layer of your conscious mind make its way to your subconscious mind.

A common mistake that we can find among people who are trying to apply LOA tools is that they fail to make a perfect picture of how their happy outcome would look like, because they get entangled in visualizing “how it is going to happen” rather than imagining the successful life itself.

Our conscious mind loves trying to make things happen even though it has no control over it, this interference of our own conscious mind makes it difficult for us communicate with our subconscious mind.

Ty Summers has created a very convenient method integrating success clips and technology to replace the old beliefs of our subconscious mind with the new better ones which he calls the Abundant Mind Visualization Videos.

What Is the Abundant Mind Visualization Videos?

These are videos created for making changes in a person’s mindset and feelings so that he could attract his desires successfully.

All kind of results that we experience in various areas of our lives is due to our behavioral patterns that are governed by our subconscious mind. So, our subconscious mind runs the whole show.

To make changes in our outer world we will have change our personal belief system, abundant mind visualization helps us to do that.

Using four types of different tools viz. themed video, relaxation music, subliminal messages and binaural beats, Ty Summers has designed all abundant mind videos to make positive changes in the user’s old mind programming.

Usage and Benefits

From a large range of over 42 different videos along with the new ones added regularly you can select the one according to your requirement and watch it(wearing headphones) twice a day-Before sleep and after waking up for best results.

Let it be financial success, better health or attracting a soul mate, their collection has videos for all those purposes.

Since, it is important that the visualization process must accompany proper emotions to make significant changes in a person’s life, abundant mind videos gives high definition quality experience to users which naturally triggers positive emotions in them.

The binaural beats and relaxation music puts a person in a perfect state of mind to deeply absorb the information that are presented in form of visuals and subliminal messages.

Final Advice

Overall, I consider abundant mind visualization videos as a good program since it eases the process of establishing a strong connection between your conscious intention and subconscious response which is the basis of most of the personal development programs available today.

With its very affordable price and refund guarantee, I don’t think one should take any decision without giving it a try.

I would like to strongly advise the users to use it two times a day regularly for at least 3 weeks before expecting the results.

For more information, please visit the product website.


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Implementing the Law of Attraction in Real Life-Make Things Happen!

Reading about metaphysics, watching movies that excites you with these concepts and hearing the stories of other people undoubtedly strengthens the faith you have on your creative ability and motivates you to chase your dreams, but still implementing the law of attraction in real life is much different from the magical “fantasy world” that such movies conjures up in your mind.

My intention here is not at all to discourage you, life being magical or not does not depend on what one has gained from the outer world instead it is a matter of his/her outlook towards the world. Yes, it depends on your perception about the world and life.

Manifesting something into your life is much more practical and simple than how most people look at this process.

Unfortunately, a lot of people enthusiastically try to apply what they have learned from various personal development programs, and then they fail and become skeptics.

Why do they fail? Why manifestation of desires becomes difficult for some people? Why it starts so beautifully and ends up being a mess?

Here is the answer- People tend to mistake this process with some new “out of the world” recipe to create a better life when it is something which they have always been using unknowingly.

If you will use these principles with a better understanding then you will realize that it is a skill to be perfected with practice like any other.

Here I am going to share with you 3 simple things that you must keep in mind in order to see positive results while using the law of attraction:-

#1- Set Your Goals Properly

In order to achieve the desired results you must select your goals with proper self analysis.

Application of LOA tools like creative visualization and affirmations requires persistence, and you can only be persistent with the goals for which you are truly passionate.

Be sure to set your goals a little higher (just a little) than the limit which you consider to be reachable!

Don’t set goals to which you are too much attached!

#2-Make a Daily Habit to Do the Inner Work Required

More than any other thing what matters the most is the “Inner Work”.

Whatever you are attracting in your life is a direct result of what is going on in your inner world. The beliefs that are present in your subconscious mind decide what you can attain in your physical world.

In order to see the change in the external world you will have to make changes in your inner world.

So, the inner work is most important for you to manifest any desire which is higher than your current reach.

Creative visualization, meditation, positive affirmations etc are few practices using which you can alter your subconscious mind’s programming. So, make sure to set aside few hours daily for these processes and be consistent with it.

#3-Practice Detachment

This is the most essential yet least understood step in the journey of manifesting your desires. You can only have that in your life which you are not blocking from showing up “unconsciously” by worrying about its arrival.

Detachment doesn’t mean that you should take your focus away from something; instead it represents your unwavering faith that you will receive what you have asked for.

In order to practice detachment you will have to stop worrying about the end results and experience it in your imagination as if it has already happened.

I will advise you to take away your attention completely off your desires when you are too much worried about the results.


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You can also mail me at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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Photo Reading vs Speed Reading-Which One Would You Prefer?

In truth, there could be no comparison between speed reading and photo reading because both are totally different processes when it comes to utilizing them.

Speed reading is like our conventional reading method where you put your attention on the written material in order to comprehend the message represented by those words; this is all about our conscious mind’s involvement.

The only difference between speed reading and regular way of reading is that in speed reading you learn to move your eye faster through the sentences with practice.

On the other hand, photo reading is a subconscious process. Using a special way to look at the pages of the book (taught by photo reading courses like zox pro) you register the whole picture of the page in your subconscious mind.

The memory that is used for photo-reading is called photographic memory.

Conscious Mind Effort

Speed reading process requires very high conscious mind effort since you are trying to make sense of the sentences while you are moving your visual focus rapidly through them.  The mentors of speed reading programs deliberately put pressure on the students so that they could improve their speed of moving their focus from sentence to sentence.

Photo reading requires no effort of conscious mind at all apart from the action of looking at the pages using a different kind of focus, in fact this process gets better depending on the person’s ability to relax his conscious mind.

Level of Comprehension

While using speed reading your level of comprehension remains unchanged as your regular reading method since, you are consciously reading the sentences. With speed your ability to comprehend the words may decrease a little but you can improve it with practice.

On the other hand in using photo reading, you won’t be able to comprehend even a single word on the conscious level while looking at the written material. Once you have captured the image of the page in your mind using photo focus you will have to go through various processes to bring the information into your conscious mind from your subconscious mind.


Photo reading knocks out speed reading when it comes to speed. As you are capturing the whole page at once while using the photo reading method it is said that you can read 25000 words in a minute.

In speed reading, your speed depends how fast you can move your focus from one sentence to the other while maintaining your ability to comprehend.

Practical Usagephotrreading speedreading difference

Learning and implementing speed reading in practical life is as possible as the conventional way of reading once the individual has perfected the skill with practice.

Practical usage of photo reading however has been a controversial subject always because of its too good to be true claims.

This is a skill that could be perfected by building a strong rapport between a person’s conscious mind and his subconscious mind so; people who are committed in making full utilization of their higher potential by learning various methods are more successful than those who are oblivious to their subconscious power.

That’s why photo reading courses like Zox Pro receives mixed responses. I consider that a person’s progress with skills like photo reading depends on his own beliefs.

To know more about photo-reading you can read my post – Photo Reading – What Is It and How Does It Work?

I hope you enjoyed this post. I would love to hear from you so, please do write me in the box below. If you have something to add here then please feel free to enlighten us with your knowledge. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me with any of your life issues or queries at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com, I will be very happy to help you.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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Is Your Family’s Energy Blocking Your Abundance?-Reprogram Your Mind

Our perspective towards various aspects of our lives is formed due to the nature of energy of the atmosphere where our mind develops.

By the nature of energy I mean various emotional responses that arises as a direct result of the beliefs, concepts and ideas that were present in our family or society to which we were constantly exposed directly or indirectly when we were growing up.

Past Events Does Subconscious Mind Programming

In childhood our mind readily accepts any idea that is repeatedly introduced to us and sometimes we form various beliefs related to our emotional experiences.

Astoundingly, we still operate by these set of rules and our whole life is shaped by these deeply ingrained concepts.

By going through various personal development materials I was already aware of my few limiting beliefs and I was constantly working towards altering them using various methods. But, when I opted for Christie’s Unlimited Abundance program and tuned into the session named clearing family blocks, my whole life started to make complete sense and I truly realized how our mind gets programmed due to various past events, this is why I consider that particular unlimited abundance special session as the most important one in the whole package,.

In our life we often imitate our parent’s way of living or we play a rebel who unconsciously wants to prove their ways wrong.

Both the ways of living has its own advantages and disadvantages but, our true aim should be to rise above such unconscious motives and reprogram our mind with the beliefs that brings us joy.

Identifying Your Family’s Limiting Beliefs

In my unlimited abundance journey, I was lucky to have detected various events in my life that created many limiting beliefs in me which were blocking my progress.

Before implanting a new belief in our subconscious mind it is essential to identify the old ones because our efforts to install new ideas would be based on the nature of our old mind programming.

It is easy to find out our old conditioning, for that we will have to do a little self-analysis.

For example, let us suppose that you want to get out of debt:-

Sit down with a pen and paper. Ask yourself a few questions that will bring up your true beliefs about money.

Write how your family was doing in the area of wealth when you were growing up..

Write down the judgments you formed about money during your childhood..

Have you witnessed any financial dispute in your family or society?

Have you had any kind of judgments about wealthy people?

Did your parents used to fight over wealth issues?

Did you resent your parent’s way of making money because you were not getting much of his/her time?

Are you trying to unconsciously keep yourself less successful than your parents because you don’t want to become better than them?

Answering such questions with an honest self assessment will bring forth the subconscious beliefs you have that are blocking you from overcoming your current difficulties.

Remember we are trying to work with the deeper level of your mind here so; you should formulate your own questions that would make your mind to search through your past experiences and come up with proper answers.

Every person have their unique different reasons due to which they are creating their own obstacles in various areas of their lives but, there are few common energy blocks present in the energy field of most of the people.

Few examples of family beliefs that are usually found in the cases of people who find it hard to be financially successful are:-

-Money is the root of all evil..(that verse actually says that “love” of money is the root of all evil)

-Money doesn’t grow on trees (earning money is very difficult)

-Life is not a bed of roses (You have gotta struggle a lot in life!)

-Being wealthy is not spiritual…

Clearing the Limiting Family Beliefs

Whether let it be a belief which was imposed upon you by a family member or the one which you formed because of a specific event occurred in your family, you hold the power to replace it with a new better belief that will ensure your success in any area of your life.

Once you have identified your energy blocks then you can clear them using various methods like creative visualization, affirmations, meditations etc.

I have illustrated three such methods in the post “Allow Your Abundance”, read it to learn how to perform energy clearing on your own.


I hope you liked this post. I would love to hear your views about this so please do leave me a comment in the box below. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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