Author Archives: HARI S NAIR

The State of Flow-Living Your Life Purpose

There is a lot of information available these days on the law of attraction and the art of deliberate creation which offers you numerous tools to attract the life of your desire.

Undoubtedly you can achieve or have your dream life if you learn to use these tools properly and if you gain a good understanding of how the laws of universe works but, reaching anywhere in life won’t give you happiness until you learn to live in the present moment.

Yes, the law of attraction can bring you the desired car, house, wealth or ideal life partner, but it can’t bring you the “joy”.

The irony here is we are all looking for “joy” in the outside appearances of life without knowing that we are actually trying to find happiness in the mind made illusions when it is something which is related to our inner world.

In life, we all have the option to create our external reality and try to seek the “joy” in the life we have attracted or to find our “joy” first and then to create our external reality playfully.

To find the “joy”, one has to live his life purpose.

What Is Life Purpose and How to Find It?

If you have been thinking that we all have a unique life purpose to fulfill for which the god has sent us on this planet then let me tell you it is not at all true, god gave us our free will to decide our life purpose!

So, if we have the option to choose our life purpose then we can choose anything right? Why is then that we should bother about finding our life purpose?

It’s because we have to find the place in this planet which truly gives us happiness, as Jose Campbell put it we have to “follow our bliss” and in order to do that we will have to find out what in this world does gives us our true happiness..this varies from person to person.

Finding Your Life Purpose

Our desires in life are usually motivated by the concepts or judgments that we have formed in our mind consciously or unconsciously.

For example- Movies or stories has wired our brain in a way that getting a perfect life partner will complete our life..we have been watching them since childhood.. “and they lived happily ever after”.

This is a deeply rooted unconscious belief which makes people to search a partner who can make them happy..!!

Similarly we have so many false ideas about what in life will give us happiness.

Finding our life purpose is however not that difficult, it is just what makes us happy…

It’s Not….

..Something which will earn us money..(People confuse earning money with their life purpose the most; there are tons of ways to make money)

..Something we will achieve in future (You can do it now)

..Something we can only do when the conditions are appropriate

..Something that will give us any kind of advantage in outside world

It is simply doing something which makes us to feel good. However, it can give us all other things listed above but that is secondary.

The State of Flow

When you find your life purpose and start to follow it you get into to a rare state of mind which is called as the state of flow.

The state of flow happens when you are happy with your current life doing whatever you are doing presently and you also have visions he future. In this state a person is in a meditation like condition where he completely enjoys what he is doing.

In such a state a person is totally in the present moment as a result of which manifestations of his desires happens with ease and the universe starts to arrange perfect happenings in order to fulfill his visions.

But, do you know what the best part of all this is?

It is that the person’s happiness does not anymore depends on what he is getting in the outside world, he of course enjoys what he has gained in his outside life but, it is all like a fun play for him which won’t affect his emotional state.


I hope you liked this post. I would love to hear your views about this so please do leave me a comment in the box below. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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Using the Law of Attraction for Career-What Do You Want to Do in Your Life?

“I want to earn a lot of money”, “I want to make my family and friends proud”, “I want to prove my worth to the world”, Most of the people in today’s world are working because of such reasons and most importantly your “job” also gives you a “social identity” which is very much essential for your ego.

You might say here “But, that is quite practical we need wealth and social identity in this world for survival”… I would like to tell you that it might be true that the social identity and money is essential for all of us to “survive”, but “happiness” is what we actually need in order to “thrive”.

So, back to our main topic in this post that is using the law of attraction for career purpose. Well, you can attract any kind of job using the law of attraction principles, then why was I talking about “happiness” specifically?…Because no matter where you reach in your life if you are not doing what you love then you will be forever unsatisfied even though you may have a good salary and a reputed social identity.

I will be discussing here with you the method to attract your dream job; I have helped a few of my readers to attract their desired jobs and I can assure you that you too can do it if you follow what I am going to share here.

Know Your Subconscious Beliefs about “Money”

It is very obvious that we all knowingly or unknowingly associate job with money. Since, salary is the foremost thing which we think while talking about job let us get specific on how much salary you wish to be paid.

But, before deciding that we will have to do a little inner work to know about your subconscious beliefs regarding money because that will only decide if you can get paid that much or not.

So, sit down and honestly write down the amount on a paper which you consider that you can easily earn, if you have been in any job before then write down the amount that you have earned earlier..


Next, increase that amount by 20 percent and honestly answer if you can earn that much..

If it’s a yes then increase it by 20 percent again..do it till you feel that it’s impossible for you to earn that much presently…and freeze that amount! -yes the impossible one.

That amount is your current subconscious barrier. Doing this process will help you to set a goal which will excite you whereas it will not be unattainable according to your current mindset.

Be Specific about Your Vision

Since we have decided our desired salary, next we will have to be clear about other aspects of the dream job.
How do you want the environment to be? How do you want to be treated? What kind of colleagues do you see yourself with? Come up with all such details.

Now, Use Your Imagination

Visualize yourself in your new job, see yourself working there..
Visualize your interactions with your boss and others..
See the morning hours, lunch time, evening hours…as much vivid as possible.
See how you now behave around your family, friends and mate..
See how you manage your salary…
Fill your vision with as much colors as possible, try to make it real!….

Let Go

Once you have put LOA at work, learn to trust that universe will bring it you and let it go!…More than being too concerned about the outcomes, try to enjoy the process..And be open to any inspiration or idea, if something feels like the next step then act on it..!

Using the above process you can really have the job of your wish if you do it properly and take action at right times, but it won’t guarantee you the “happiness” as I mentioned before for that you will have to find your “joy”..Which means the “work” which doesn’t feel like “work” to you..

To know about this please read my post “The State of Flow-Finding Your Life Purpose”. I hope you liked this post. I would love to hear your views about this so please do leave me a comment in the box below. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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Don’t Say “I Don’t Know How to Use Creative Visualization”- You Are Already Good at It!
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The Secret behind Putting the Law of Attraction into Practice

Law of attraction has become a well-known concept to people now, however only a few numbers of people have realized that it’s not just a concept but a law according to which the universe operates to create the events of our lives.

Among this rare group of people who understand its role in this universe only a few people are able to use it to achieve whatever it is that they want in their lives.

Why are most people failing to reach their goals using the universal laws? Why do people stop believing in their creative power? Why it is that despite of so many materials available on the universal laws people are not able to take control of their lives?

See, reading or trying to understand the law of attraction and putting it into practice are two totally different processes.

There is one major mistake that most of the people for whom the law of attraction doesn’t work are making – They are fooling themselves!

How Are People Fooling Themselves?

A lot of people have this misconception about the higher power that it is something which exists outside us; we think that by ignoring the truth we can change it.

Most of the LOA materials talk about “faith” and to be grateful for what’s coming as if it has already happened, this is a tricky stuff.

Imagine a person who has asked for things and the universe has delivered it to him, he has seen the significance of LOA all around him. For him asking for something and to believe that he will get it will be easy, for him having such a faith as if his wish has already been granted would easy and quite obvious.. it is like ordering a pizza, you know it will reach to you from the minute you order it right?

The above example is of a person who tested LOA playfully, saw results, and his faith grew stronger… that’s how it works!

Now, imagine a person who is badly in need of money, he learns all the ways to attract wealth using the laws of universe. This guy does everything affirmations, creative visualization, gratitude journal and he thanks the universe for granting his wish in advance even though he is completely broke.. What do you think this guy is doing? He is trying to fool the universe and in doing so he is fooling himself!

Can you see the difference in both the above cases?

The first guy is building his faith by seeing the results and on the other hand he is not too concerned about the results whereas the second guy is practicing all the techniques but he is also too worried about the results.

An Art to Be Perfected with Practice

Working with the universal laws is like learning to play a musical instrument; you will have to learn it with patience and practice.

So, most of the people who are failing are trying these principles to get something rather than to learn the art itself.

It is like you have a car and you do not practically know how to drive but you have read about driving meticulously and now you have to reach to the airport urgently.. you get worried and you try your best to drive it because you have to reach to the airport but you are not even able to move it..why?..you haven’t released the hand brake!! ..You get out and say “this doesn’t work and every other person driving car is just lucky”.

Sounds crazy right? But this is what most people are doing in their real life when it comes to using LOA.

I would suggest you to start using LOA methods to attract things to which you don’t have any kind of attachment. Beginning in a playful manner will help you to build your faith because you will see evidences and as you will develop more faith you will also start to become more successful in using these principles.


I hope you liked this post. I would love to hear your views about this so please do leave me a comment in the box below. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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7 Habits Which Enables You to Easily Tap into Your Subconscious Mind Power

In this post I am going to discuss a few habits which will help you to easily tap into your subconscious mind when you need it.

Your subconscious mind is like a supercomputer which has all the answers you need to make the right decisions, to learn a new skill, to achieve what you want in life, to change your behavioral patterns etc.

This subconscious mind power is available to you always, but you are unable to use it according to your will because you don’t have the appropriate knowledge of how it works.

Unlike our waking/conscious mind our subconscious mind’s working is quite illogical; our inner mind understands the language of feelings more than words or signs.

I have discussed about this in detail in the post named “Subconscious Mind Acts Like a Kid” so, due to such a nature of our inner mind it becomes difficult to communicate with it using our conventional ways however once you learn the methods then it could be life changing.

Here are the 7 habits that will enable you to build a strong rapport with your subconscious mind:-

#1- Be a Good Listener

Being a good listener is not just a trait for being a good person it is much more than just that, a good listener listens without any preconceived opinions and it allows him to be open to new information.

Here, we are not talking about listening to what others say but, to what your inner guidance is saying and to hear that voice you will have to be open and clear of judgments.

What I am trying to tell you here is to be more attentive to the voices you hear in your mind without labeling it as good or bad, once you learn to be a good listener you will start to understand your inner mind’s way of communicating.


#2- Practice Meditation

Since you have to calm down the voice of your conscious mind to hear what your subconscious mind is saying, meditation is the best practice which will help you to do that.

By doing meditation you become more aware of your feelings and the thoughts in your mind. As we know, feelings are our subconscious mind’s language so; by meditating you build a stronger rapport with your inner mind.

#3- Get in Touch with Nature

Nature allows our logical mind to relax opening up the possibilities of receiving solutions to our life problems from the vault of our subconscious mind.

If you could incorporate regular nature breaks in your schedule then you will be able to go beyond the annoying mind chatter and reach to that place from where you can get the ideas that can change the course of your life.

#4-Creative Visualization

Communication is a two way process, you send information and you receive information. In all of the above processes we were discussing the ways to receive the information from your subconscious mind but, there is a process which precedes that and it is sending the message.

I have already told you that our subconscious mind is like a kid, it does whatever you want it to do, but the problem here is that most people are not aware of how to send the instructions to it.

The most simple, convenient and fun way to send your message to your inner mind is to do it using the creative visualization process.

By creating an image of the end results which you want to get and holding it in your imagination, you allow the message to be conveyed to your subconscious mind.

#5-Present Moment Awareness

Being in the present moment is the quickest way to be in touch with your higher self, when you get more aware of your thoughts and feelings you start to hear what your inner mind is saying.


Our subconscious mind likes to play and have fun. It doesn’t like the seriousness of any situation and it never reveals itself to you when you are serious.

To build a strong rapport with your inner mind you will have to be playful, the more you do it in a fun way the more it will be successful.


Here is the most important thing you need in order to effectively tap into your subconscious power; yes it is “faith”. You will have to believe in your inner voice; with practice, you will be able to develop a strong faith.

When you will start to trust your inner guidance you will be able to easily recognize the messages of your subconscious mind.

I hope you liked this post, I would be very happy to hear from you so, please leave me your comments in the box below, it will motivate me and help me to improve my blog’s content. If I missed anything important then please do mention it in the comment section.

You can send your emails using the contact page, I will be more than happy to help you with any of your issues.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

3 Signs from the Universe That Indicates the Law of Attraction Is Working Positively for You

One of the main concerns of people who are using various tools for attracting something they desire in their life using the universal laws is that they want to see something tangible which tells them that they are doing it correctly.

Well, there is no particular criteria using which you could track your progress while applying the principles of the law of attraction other than your own feelings. The more you feel good while thinking about your goals the faster you are going to achieve it, other than this your own inner beliefs about “how big the goal is” also affects the speed of manifestation.

You can never know how much time it will take for something to be manifested but, the less you are concerned about the “when” the quicker the process will be.

However, there are few signs which you can notice around you which indicates that what you have asked for is moving towards you. So, here we will be discussing 3 such signs that universe may give you to indicate that the law of attraction is working positively for you.


1-You Will Start to See the Options Which Can Lead You to Your Destination

Usually, when a person begins his journey to attract the lifestyle he desires, he is not aware of the path that could lead him to the place where he wants to go.

Gradually, when he starts to focus on his goals by using various LOA tools his mind picks up the ways by which he could achieve them.

The process of manifesting your desires is more about developing your awareness. We all are capable of doing anything that we want; it is just that we are unaware of how to do it.

So, when you begin to focus on something that you desire, you put your mind on automation to come up with the ideas which will help you to reach your goals.

Yes, these ideas existed earlier also but you were oblivious to them.

In other terms the universe will show you the ways using which you can successfully have whatever it is that you want.

2-The Universe Will Make Your Goal Achievable in Your Mind

If the law of attraction is positively working for you then you will experience what they call as the “paradigm shift” which is when your subconscious programming about something changes, this is a sure shot point from where the manifestation process becomes obvious.

Paradigm shift is a result of persistence, it happens when a person is consistently using various tools to alter his subconscious beliefs without being too concerned about the results because worrying about the results reverses this process.

Hence, when you are doing it the right way consistently then the universe will show you the evidences which will convince your mind that your goal is achievable, this again will cause your inner beliefs to change which in turn will help you to see more evidences in the outer world and this process goes on until the “paradigm shift” happens.

3-You Will See It All around You

This is natural behavior of our brain, whatever we consider important in our lives we start to notice it everywhere in the world.

For instance there is one particular car which I intend to buy, whenever I step out of my home it never happens that I return without seeing that car for at least one time, in fact I notice it everywhere.

So, while applying the law of attraction a person who is doing it in the right way starts to notice whatever he has asked all around him, may be on television, other people talking, internet etc. It appears as if universe is flashing it in front you in magical ways but, the truth is that it has been present always around us it’s only that now we are aware of its presence.

Call it a brain function or a universal conspiracy; you can stay assured that you are heading towards the direction when such things happen to you.


I hope you enjoyed reading this article, I am eager to hear your comments on this so please do write me in the box below. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me with any of your life issues or queries at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com, I will be very happy to help you.

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3 Law of Attraction Activities That Will Alter Your Current Reality

Our mind has the ability to completely transform all the areas of our lives, thanks to the recent popularity gained by the new age concepts, we are now getting aware of our true potential.

Unlike the earlier generations, today’s generation believes that they have the control of their life in their hands and as a result of that people are now learning about the universal laws and putting them into action to get the results that they wish to see in their lives.

So, if you are one of them and if you believe that you hold the power to alter your current reality then I will discuss with you here three simple yet very powerful law of attraction activities that can alter your current reality.

If you have already been into various LOA materials then the activities that I am going to share here won’t be new to you but more than the knowledge of these activities what I want to show you is how to actually perform them in order to get the maximum benefits and these activities are not something to be done one or two times, you will have to follow them like a daily ritual.

Activity #1- MEDITATION

This is what most of the people who come to know about their creative power don’t actually do despite reading about it.

I think that the reason people don’t meditate is because they have various false impressions about it, these people are often too much concerned about the right way to meditate and most of them are oblivious to the benefits that it could actually offer.

Meditation is like a reset button for your mind, by meditating daily you give your mind a chance to relax which in turn allows your mind to come up with creative ideas that can help you to get the desired results in life.

A very simple way to meditate is to sit peacefully and concentrate on your third eye which is the region between your eyebrows. Now, take deep long breaths and repeat to yourself the word “relax” in your mind every time you exhale.

There are a lot more ways to meditate, just pick any one of them that you like and do it regularly.

I would suggest you downloading Christie Marie’s Free Heart Centering meditation which I have used many times.

Activity #2- Creative Visualization

This is a process which is super effective for making quick positive changes in a person’s life but it is rarely performed the right way by most of the people who come to know about it.

There is no technically correct way to use creative visualization, you can use your imagination the way you like to and there is no need to get confused thinking “should I imagine as the third person or as the first person?” you may think here why did I then mentioned that people fail to use it the right way?

It is because they are doing it to get something rather than to enjoy the process.

Visualize every day about what you want in order to feel that you have already acquired it instead of doing it because you want to “acquire” it.. can you see the difference?

Do it to feel “good” not to get something which will make you happy in the future.

Activity #3- Gratitude Journal

Keeping a gratitude journal is a simple method using which we can fill our life with joy.

It is proven through studies that if a person starts to feel grateful for what he has in his life then his happiness level increases significantly.

Writing in your gratitude journal is a great thing to do in order to increase the happiness in your life, you can prefer it do whenever you want whether let it be when you wake up or when you go to sleep, by expressing your gratefulness to the universe you attract more reasons to be grateful.

Again, this process should be genuine and real. Just write in your gratitude journal whatever it is that has made you happy in the whole day, it doesn’t need to be something big.

The purpose behind keeping a gratitude journal is to bring the feeling of abundance so, make sure that you are genuinely feeling grateful for whatever it is that you are writing.


By using the above three methods you can alter your current reality and fill your life with things that you desire but, just be sure that you do it regularly and properly.

I hope you liked this post, please leave me your comments in the box below, it will motivate me and help me to improve my blog’s content. If I missed anything important then please do mention it in the comment section.

You can send your emails using the contact page, I will be more than happy to help you with any of your issues.

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

Raising a Genius Kid- Making Your Child a Winner

I have written various articles on this subject like the post named “Make them winners”, I will leave more links at the bottom of this post. I am writing this post because I have an urge to tell this to the parents who are searching things like “making your kid a genius” or “making your kid smart” over the internet  since I saw a relative of my friend checking out various channels on youtube to get tips for making her kids smart.

One thing that every parent should understand is that we don’t have to do anything externally to boost up the learning process of kids instead we should introduce them to more learning opportunities, human brain develops in a similar manner for all kids it is only that the environment in which it develops decides its nature in the future.

What Differentiates Genius Kids from the Rest?

Looking at few kids who are naturally smart and learn everything quickly makes us to think that these little genius minds are special with god gifted skills, this isn’t true.

Every child is equally blessed and gifted; it is their surrounding which determines their abilities when they are growing up. Human mind is very much like a plant seed, it grows depending on its environment and the type of nurturing it gets.

The Programming of the Mind

Human mind is often distinguished in two parts for the ease of understanding the concept of human behavior as the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is our waking mind and the subconscious mind is the mind which determines all our behaviors, the subconscious mind is programmed mostly when we were kid and our life depends on this mind  programming.

By “programming” I mean here the set of beliefs that are imposed on the little minds by their family, friends and society. Any belief or idea implanted in these raw minds will come into fruition as it develops.

This reason why a child picks up the traits of its family members is due to this fact. A mathematician’s kid’s mind picks up its parent’s belief that “math is easy” which later turns him as a genius mathematician as well.

So, in order to make your kid smart you will have to plant the seeds of smartness in his mind, in order to make him wealthy you will have to plant the seeds of wealth in his mind and to make him successful in all other areas you will have to do the same.

How to Program Your Child’s Mind?

Training your kid’s mind is easy, a baby’s mind readily accepts the ideas that you repeatedly introduce to it. So, if you will give suggestions to them like “you are smart”, “you are healthy” etc then their mind will readily accept that idea and start to work accordingly to make it true.

Keep a positive attitude when you are around your kid and encourage them to use their imagination, creative visualization is a natural gift to children but as they grow up they tend to forget it because our society doesn’t encourage a person to dream.

More important than trying to teach something to kids at an early age is to tell them how special and amazing they are. By providing them an environment which consists of positive beliefs you can make your child build an abundance mindset and their life will be shaped in accordance with these beliefs.


If you believe in the concept that’s called the law of attraction then you might be knowing that in order to make your child a winner you have to teach them about the tools and methods to achieve their goals if you are looking for a course or program for this purpose then I would suggest you trying out the product “Law of Attraction for Kids”.


I hope you liked this post. I would love to hear your views about this so please do leave me a comment in the box below. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

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Differentiating the Voice of Intuition and the Voice of Ego

We all have always faced situations where we hear two opposing voices in our head especially at times when we have to make important decisions.

At all such times we have differentiated those chattering inside our head as the fight between our heart and mind, no doubt that everyone must have wondered which voice is the one that is showing them the right path.

The voice of our inner guidance that comes from our higher self which knows what is the right in every small and big situations of our life is hard to be recognized till we haven’t learned how to listen to it, but once we have started to identify it then listening to it becomes as easy as it is to breathe.

In this post I am going to discuss with you the differences between those two voices which will enable you to make intuition based decisions.

Voice of Your Ego

Let us first talk about the voice of our ego because by knowing its nature you could easily detect what is not the right thing to do for your well being.

The ego’s talk brings a heavy feeling with it; you are not at ease when you are listening to it.

Usually this voice tries to forcefully make you act and it disturbs your mind by listing a million reasons which shows how not acting on what it says will affect you badly in the future.

You might be thinking here that looking at the pros and cons of a decision to be made is logical and necessary, but this voice is more like a noise which wants to convince you to take the action which it is suggesting.

Ego’s voice does not always suggest a single decision and many a times it finds satisfaction in confusing you and causing a chaotic mental state for you.

Voice of Your Intuition

Listening to your intuition is a real gift; it guides you properly to the path which is best for you and many successful people agrees to this that listening to their heart’s voice is their real secret.

Unlike your ego’s tactic to make you hear what it says, intuition doesn’t try to get your attention instead it reveals itself to you only when you intentionally want to hear what it says.

Your inner guidance is not available to you when your mind is too confused, worried or restless.

In order to know what your heart is saying you will have to calm down the mind chattering and sit peacefully with a strong intention to hear it.

The voice of intuition brings a light, peaceful and serene feeling with it; since you are not aware of the bigger picture so, temporarily it may seem illogical and following it may appear difficult but once you start to trust it and learn how to make intuition based choices then you will become familiar with its nature.

Your heart’s voice doesn’t argue or try to prove itself right to you like your ego; instead it just reveals itself when you are ready to hear it and then vanishes when you start to analyze it letting you decide further.

I would like to advise you to meditate a few minutes every day so that you could calm your mind and listen what your inner guidance is suggesting.


If you are very serious about developing your intuition then I would like to suggest you Sonia Choquette’s Positive Intuition.


I hope you liked this post. I would love to hear your views about this so please do leave me a comment in the box below. (Your email id will be safe and hidden, you can even prefer your secondary email id for commenting)

You can also mail me at hari@zerotoinfinitude.com

If this post was helpful to you then please spread the word by sharing it on your online social networks.

You May Also Like to Read:-
Developing the Intuition Skills of Kids-Raising Conscious and Aware Children
7 Tips for Opening Your Third Eye Chakra-A Portal to Your Spiritual World
Indigo Children and Their Characteristics-Highly Intuitive and Spirited Kids
Listening to the Inner Guiding Voice-Power of Intuition
Anybody Can Be Intuitive- 6 Requirements to Develop ESP

How Having a Plan Boosts up the Manifestation Process While Applying LOA?

The law of attraction is no more a magic trick for people, gradually everybody around the globe are realizing that it is a law which works precisely to attract to us the people, things, situations, conditions, and circumstances based on the vibrations that we send out to the universe using our thoughts and feelings.

In this post I am going to discuss with you about how formulating a plan could help you to attract your desired results quickly and with ease.

Setting a Goal

You may have read a lot of stuff about loa which tells you to set a goal which is higher than what you consider to be achievable but on the other hand if you don’t believe that it is achievable then you can’t achieve it, paradoxical right?

On one side loa principles says to not worry about how you will achieve your goals and on the other side it says that if you don’t trust that you can achieve it then you can’t achieve it, how can one have faith on something ‘s arrival when he can’t see its path?

Well it is neither complicated nor paradoxical; all you have to do is to set your wish list properly!

For example- If you earn 10000$ per month now and you wish to earn 12000$ per month, that’s something which you know how to achieve because by working few more months you will reach there with the increments, on the other hand if you set a target of 20,000$ then it is near to a proper goal because it will push you from your current comfort zone and make you think about multiplying your source of income..see this is something which is higher than your obvious achievable goal whereas it is also within the limit of what you consider to be possible, even though you don’t know how to make it happen but you can be sure that you will find new ways.

Why Is It Necessary to Have a Plan?

However it is important to set a goal which you don’t know how to achieve but still making plans whether it is realistic according to you or not could prove to be very beneficial for you.

I came to realize this while listening to Christie Marie Sheldon’s unlimited abundance course’s 9th session named clearing indecision, there she suggests to make plans and she also says “get a plan get a life”, she also performs energy clearing on this in that session because some people have energy blocks around the word “plans” which stops them from making plans.

Things mostly don’t happen the way we plan it nor does we have any control over “how” what we have asked for will be delivered to us. So, why is planning necessary?

See, we operate on two levels..one is our waking conscious mind and the other is our subconscious mind, our subconscious mind readily accepts what our conscious mind repeatedly imposes on it especially when it is combined with any emotion and whatever we attract in our life depends on what we have planted in our subconscious mind.

When we set a goal following the principles of LOA but we are skeptical about how it will come into fruition then our conscious mind strongly sends a message of “doubt” to our subconscious mind which hinders the process of manifestation, on the other hand when we make a plan to achieve what we have asked then our conscious mind gets a relief on the “how” part and this eases the process of manifestation.

So, be sure to make a plan to reach your goals. Your plan doesn’t need to be very practical, make it satisfy your conscious mind that your dream is achievable.


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Positive Intuition –Review of “Tune In” by Sonia Choquette

We have been hearing this from a very long time from numerous well known successful people that trusting the inner voice and following their heart is what leads them to the place where they intend to go in their lives.aff-banner

What we perceive from our conscious mind is not even near to the half of our true ability; the truth is that we have all the necessary information to make right decision at any given point of time but we are often unaware of it or we fail to hear the voice of our heart.

There have always been incidences in our life where we have experienced this inner power whether let it be an event which you feel that you have already experienced (Déjà vu), a song sung by another person which you were just thinking, a gut feeling which provided the right answer etc all these are examples of our mind’s true abilities.

In her program “Tune In”, Sonia Choquette teaches how to tap into the power of your intuition and use it to get necessary solutions in life.

What Changes Can It Make In Your Life?

Having a developed intuitive awareness is really a very precious gift in one’s life. Intuition is not something which you learn from outside but it is something which has always been present inside you but you have forgotten it while growing up.

As kids we all have used our intuition for various playful purposes. We cried at certain places by sensing negative vibes, we kept distance from certain people and we were happy to be around pets which clearly indicates that we knew how to use our inner guidance when we were kids.

Having the ability to hear the intuitive voice can help you to make the right decisions at the various important times in your life, not only that but you will be able to intuitively act in every small and big issues of your daily life.

From catching a liar to knowing the truth about anything that’s relevant to you, for improving relationships by doing the right things at the right time, for making the right career decisions , for knowing what’s best for your health and countless similar issues of life can be handled in the most perfect way if you could hear your inner guidance and that is why opting for this program may really prove out to be one of the best decisions of your life.

Why to Opt for “Tune In”?

Since I have already said that we don’t have to learn anything new from outside about intuition as it is has been always present in us then one may ask- how this program could prove to be beneficial?

Intuition is without any doubt our natural ability but as we were growing up our little minds were programmed with concepts which made us to forget about it.Today, we learn about intuition and we try to implement it but we fail because we haven’t yet been able to distinguish the conscious mind’s voice and the inner guidance.

The main factor in successfully using your intuitive guidance system is to trust your inner voice!

Sonia’s “Tune In” will teach you to recognize the inner voice and to trust it.

Her program consists of 14 videos which teach a 4 step formula for living an intuitive life, 4 meditation tracks which enables you to connect with your inner guidance.

The package is a perfect combination of materials which will work step by step for you to awaken your intuitive power.

Who Is Sonia Choquette?

Sonia is one of the world’s most famous people in the area of human intuition and she is widely recognized for her work to help people to make intuition based decisions in their lives.

Sonia has written 19 bestselling books on the subject of intuition which also includes New York’s times bestseller “The Answer Is Simple”.

Final Advice

I came across Sonia’s program last year, I was so impressed with this product that I contacted mind valley’s affiliate customer support so that I could promote this product for my readers but unfortunately they told me that it was just a test run and I will have to wait for some time.

Now, they have launched this product and I happy to introduce it to you. Trust me with this product you will have nothing to lose but a lot to gain.

I will give you a green signal to opt for this product, hoping that you will also highly benefit from this program.

For more information, please visit the product website here.


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You can send your emails using the contact page, I will be more than happy to help you with any of your issues.

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